Corporate Partnership
Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines, Inc. (OB) is the humanitarian arm of CBN Asia, the producer of ‘The 700 Club Asia’, a TV program aired every night in the Philippines. Since its inception in 1996, Operation Blessing has inspired change in the lives of more than a million people from all over the Philippines. Whether aboard helicopters or trucks, by banca or on foot, OB travels hours—even days—to reach places where many others have not gone.
OB works to fight hunger, disease, unemployment, illiteracy, and abuse—one person, one family, and one community at a time. The worldwide mission of OB is to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating the plight of those in great need by feeding the hungry and caring for the weak.
Through medical intervention and disaster relief, provision of education, coaching for the development of life skills and microenterprise activities, and addressing basic health and nutrition needs, OB exemplifies Christian compassion and benevolence.
OB also works with other government and non-government agencies, both in the local and national levels, churches, and other groups which serve the best interest of its target beneficiaries.