For Pastor Victor Homer Farsario of Jesus the Living Gospel Church, every opportunity is an opportunity to share the Good News. So whenever it comes, he makes every effort to do outreaches for the poor and minister the Word of God.
Now serving his 37th year in the pastoral ministry, Pastor Vic’s love and passion to spread the message of hope about Jesus continue to fuel his motivation to go out and fulfill his duties. “One of the strategies we use when it comes to evangelism is showing the people that we truly care for them,” shared Pastor Vic. “And one thing we are truly glad about is being able to partner with Operation Blessing in this Mobile Clinic mission,” he added.
Pastor Vic’s wife, Pastor Dorie, shared that since 2018, Operation Blessing has been really accommodating their requests for assistance from areas where they see potential bible studies to open. “We first seek support from the local government particularly the social welfare offices before prayerfully endorsing the need to the Operation Blessing team. And we are so blessed that we are also serving as channels of blessing to the needy through the faithful support of OB,” explains Teodora.
Hoping for breakthroughs in their pioneering church in Bataan, Pastor Vic did not hesitate to seek assistance from Operation Blessing to help bring healing – both physical and spiritual – to the residents of Brgy. Puerto Rivas Lower in Balanga, Bataan through OB’s Mobile Clinic.
“It’s a great opportunity for us not only in helping deliver free medical services to those in need but also in sharing the Word about Jesus and bringing hope to the hearts of our suffering kababayans,” said Pastor Vic, happy to see that a hundred of individuals were served in the mission.
Relly Navarro Sr, one of the beneficiaries who were given free reading glasses during the activity did not miss the opportunity to extend his gratitude to the team. “I feel so blessed today for the help I received through Operation Blessing. Thank you for this eyewear which will help me move around better,” said Relly whose vision was deteriorated due to his long years of service as a welder.