Thea is a 15-year-old young woman from Mindoro province who excels in school and consistently receives honor awards by the end of the school year.

Her mother, Marivic, is a single parent who gets to walk on stage every year to put the medals on Thea.

Though Thea excels at school, she has been limited by a disease. She needs to go to the hospital for her monthly take of medicines due to lymphangioma or cystic hygroma.

A cystic hygroma is a cyst or a group of cysts that are found mostly in the neck, caused by an error in the development of lymph sacs and lymph vessels as the baby develops in the mother’s womb.

On the other hand, Marivic sells beauty products or snacks to be able to bring her daughter to the children’s hospital each month for the medications. She also seeks help from their local government unit and other foundations.

The doctors said that the main goal for the medications and the upcoming surgery is for Thea to experience normal breathing, be able to eat well, and to no longer put up with dizziness.

At this time, the skin by her chin has darkened. There is a large vein protruding from neck to her head, which is a sign that her body system is doing double work for oxygen to reach her head, resulting in dizziness.

Thea is now on her 18th out of 21 shots of antibiotics, which will help the cyst to decrease before she undergoes a major operation.

Thea’s situation moved an Operation Blessing (OB) partner upon watching a TV segment about her and decided to help.

Since then, Marivic decided to stay in Metro Manila with her brother who somehow supports her financially in exchange for taking care of her nieces while Thea helps with chores.

Operation Blessing assists Marivic and Thea in the hospitalization procedures such as referrals, preparation of documents, and administering medicines.

With all the help and moral support that Thea and Marivic are now receiving from us through you as our partners, hope stays in their hearts that leads them to trust that everything is possible with God.

Operation Blessing Philippines is helping not just Thea but many other children who are in the same vulnerable situation. To know more about how you can help children like Thea, with life-changing aids, please visit our website, like our FB page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @obphil or call us at 477-78-02 to 06.