The work of Operation Blessing continues to be a bridge of hope between our ailing countrymen and God.

In one of our Mobile Clinic Outreaches in GMA Cavite, Corazon Verdan, 67, was one of the earliest to go in line anticipating the free health services and medicine.

Corazon has been enduring terrible joint pains. It caused her difficulties in walking and doing household chores. There were days when she cannot even stand. Being in a senior citizen in this condition lowered her sense of self-worth.

“I had a drastic weight loss. I used to be quite heavy. Now my clothes are lose. When it gets really painful, I just cry,” Corazon said.

Corazon and her husband earn only a little money from growing taro, cassava, water spinach, and banana. Sometimes, the neighbors would even steal from their crops. They have also tried asking for help from other groups but they only provide pain killers, not really treating the root cause of the pain. Hence, Corazon’s eagerness to avail of the free services in the medical mission.

As early as 7:30am, Corazon already went to the venue. During the sharing of God’s word by OB’s local church parter, Corazon said, “I was already crying. I prayed to God for healing, and the pastor also shared about it.”

She was checked and found out to have a case of gout arthritis. Corazon was given medicine as well as a copy of Our Daily Bread Devotional.

“God is so kind. Thank you so much for people like you who do this. I pray every night that God will heal me, and today, He showed that He is kind by sending you,” Corazon said, unable to hold her tears back.

Thank you so much to all our donors and partners who make medical missions like this possible! TOGETHER, we reach MORE!

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