Written By Tini Castillo, Volunteer Writer, Operation Blessing Philippines

Miracles are not impossible for someone like Bro. Kent Chavers, a missionary from Grace Bible Church in Central Florida. A walking testimony of God’s miraculous healing, not once but twice, it comes as no surprise that
he has a burning desire to pay it forward.

DSC_7691He was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Florida and fell into a coma for a month. His wife, Jessie, fearful and anxious of her husband’s state, was led to attend a prayer meeting one fateful Wednesday. Pastor Gene Pritchard, the head of their local church, felt the burden and need to pray for someone. God impressed upon his heart to pray for a brother in Christ and led all 500 members of their congregation to pray for the healing of Kent. Such display of love and faithfulness of hundreds of men and women of God gave Jessie all the needed encouragement and strength to see her through Kent’s ordeal. More importa ntly, she got the necessary jolt to her faith. She stepped out of the church that day with a new sense of hope for her husband.

The next day, Jessie headed for the hospital with a certainty and assurance from the Great Physician. After a few moments on her husband’s bedside, Kent awoke from his four-week coma. It was indeed a day of great rejoicing for them. “Jessie, God’s not taking me by Leukemia. I’m walking out of this hospital one day. It might be some other way, but it won’t be by Leukemia,” he said with great conviction.

Throughout his confinement, Kent continued to run his airline electrical contractor business as usual, signing papers left and right and spending major time on the phone keeping his business afloat. Doctors were kept amused at their patient who displayed such vitality. No one would think that he was on the brink of death a few weeks back—clearly a testament that God’s healing goes beyond the physical. On September 19, 1991, Kent went into remission.

Last June 2015, Kent took the mDSC_7693ighty step of selling his business to an airline to go into full time ministry. As a recipient of grace and healing, he overflowed with the desire to serve and minister to others about the God who healed him. In September 2015, he was sent, along with a team of missionaries from his church, to Trece Martires and General Trias in Cavite for a medical mission with Operation Blessing. It was during this m
ission that he received yet another miracle. He woke up with an upset stomach at one in the morning. Dr. Cherry Aspuria, one of the volunteer doctors of Operation Blessing, prayed over him. Thirty minutes after she left, Kent passed kidney stones he didn’t even know he had, first from the left then from the right kidney – one more story of faith, healing and victory in Kent’s life.

Indeed, Bro. Kent Chavers’ story is a revelation not only of God’s power of healing but also of the power of prayers. Truly nothing is impossible for the Lord when faithful and believing hearts come together to intercede.

Like Bro. Kent, you can pay forward God’s goodness in your life by partnering with us to serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Call us at 477 7802 to 04 and 06 or visit https://operationblessing.ph/home to learn how.