by Operation Blessing Philippines | Dec 2, 2021 | #OBAgainstCOVID19, Healthcare, Stories, Testimonies
“I am not ashamed of doing everything for him since he can’t live without me,” said Dominga Martin, looking fondly at her son who was peacefully waiting for his new gift of mobility. Nanang Ingga, as she wanted to be called, is 79 years old; but despite her age, she...
by Operation Blessing Philippines | Nov 11, 2021 | #OBAgainstCOVID19, Healthcare, Stories, Testimonies
She has been crawling for 45 years. She was suddenly deprived of her mobility, so her husband and sons have been tending to her every need since. When Visitacion Batangan, now 65, gave birth to her first son, she felt a surging pain in the lower part of her body....